
Haiku the Noo

In 2016, Greyfriars Garden organised Haiku the Noo: Architecture & The Spaces in Between for the Festival of Architecture. This wonderful poetry project was runner up in both the Herald Society Awards and Streets’ Ahead Awards. Haiku the Noo was a writing collaboration between pupils for St Stephen’s Primary School in Sighthill and the gardeners from Greyfriars Garden. It engaged young citizens in a  Haiku poetry project and inspired them to write about  their favourite green and natural spaces. The project was launched by the Lord Provost at a special exhibition. The poems were displayed in various media throughout the garden and a poetry book was produced. Some were displayed on the perimeter fence. 
The project was supported by the Wheatley Group, Stalled Spaces and Glasgow City Council Area Committees.

Put a Cone on COP

In 2021, Greyfriars Garden collaborated with Glasgow Institute of Architects and raised funds from GCC to develop Put a Cone on the COP, working with architects and designers to create four planters from completely recycled materials which formed interpretative markers on a newly created biophilic corridor running down High Street in time for COP26 in Glasgow. The planters were located at the Cathedral, Provands Lordship, Greyfriars Garden and the Moxy Hotel.Only two  remain in situ and we aim to relocate these nearer to our garden. 

Biophilia is the term coined by the Harvard naturalist Dr. Edward O. Wilson to describe what he saw as humanity's "innate tendency to focus on life and lifelike processes," and to be drawn toward nature, to feel an affinity for it, a love, a craving. Natalie Angier

Do human beings have within them an innate sense of connection to other forms of life? If so, can this natural feeling, this "biophilia," both enhance our respect for ourselves as human and reinforce our sense of obligation to treat other forms of life with loving care? T. H. Watkins